Dedicated mainly to japanese music.
My previous channel got deleted because of some of the licensed stuff that I had on it, which I obviously had no idea. Probly some of the jpop, I assume.

Well I couldn't really recover all the vids that I made, but the channel is open again and I will only upload stuff that are not currently on youtube: Meaning a lot of my onmyouza and back horn goodies are out. Instead, I will upload bunch of indies that are not getting attention they deserve.

I may rework on translations for rurutia songs and lareine stuff as well. I have plenty of other stuff that are old and rare so.. stay tuned..

-By the way, I just found out that Daisuke has deceased awhile ago...I heard rumors about his heart condition, I wonder if that has anything to do with his death...The brilliant artist is no longer available for us mortals. R.I.P
Currently obsessed indie bands
1. Megaromania
2. Poitrine
3. Ensoku
4. Vivid
All-time favourites
Kagerou(of course), Matenrou Opera, RENTRER EN SOI, Velvet Eden, Kaya, Schwarz Stein, Sadie, Versailles, Lareine, Glacier, DaizyStripper, Nightmare, heidi., Sincrea, Penicillin, plastic tree and many more...


Shared 14 years ago