TaiLor Made™ Prosthetics

The TaiLor MadeTM Prosthetic Foot puts amputees and prosthetists back in control. Unlike traditional pre-assembled carbon fiber feet, TaiLor Made’s unique Control HubTM makes in-clinic customization easy. It also enables independent heel and forefoot movement to provide shock absorption, simulated ankle motion, and stabilizing ground traction optimized for each user. As the first prosthetic foot developed using technology from a Department of Defense research initiative, TaiLor Made delivers a shocking sense of independence from the status quo.
The Control HubTM makes in-clinic customization and pediatric growth upgrades simple and efficient. Independent heel and forefoot movement provide simulated ankle motion and stability, particularly on slopes. Internal shock spring sets provide vertical travel and push off performance customized for each user’s comfort.

Telephone: 407.930.5783


Shared 10 years ago