The Answer is You

When I began this journey of self-awareness, It seemed that I was taking two steps forward and one step back. Yet over time and lots of letting go, listening, and learning from others. That I had to look and listen from within for my answers. I began to see myself and the world differently. I want to send my thanks and heart to all the amazing people and places that have taught and shown me that you never give up on yourself and ALWAYS trust that inner voice and those feelings that speak to us with love. I know now that I have always known this. The only difference is I now know how to go within to listen & to be aware and accountable for my words and actions. My hope is my videos speak to you, in all the different ways that these wonderful spiritual teachers, Shamans, and beautiful people who have shared their insights and practices with me over the years on healing, forgiveness, compassion, love, and going within to find your answers. Namaste and Always remember The Answer is YOU!