The ORourke Report

The ORourke Report is where we apply some critical thinking to today's entertainment headlines! A cross between Andy Cohen's cheekiness and the pithy observations of John Oliver we go over and analyze what people are talking about, the current pop zeitgeist if you will. It's meant to be a fun, incisive, and slightly sardonic take on the constant onslaught of infotainment, from the silly to the sublime. Please enjoy and, if you like, please hit the Like and Subscribe buttons. #critcalthinking #bravotv #bravoholics #celebritynews #andycohen #bravotv #johnoliver #infotainment #opinion #drama #h3podcast #stephaniesoo #celebritynews #storytime #rupaulsdragrace #tlcgossip #90dayfiance #mybigfatfabulouslife


Shared 7 months ago