Christine Kobzeff

Life-changing minimalist habits and frugal living hacks. Minimalism and frugal living can change your life. It's given us more freedom and happiness, allowed us to get out of debt, save money, travel, chase adventures, experiences and our dreams... rather than chasing "things". Owning too much stuff is a trap, it consumes our time, energy, money... and weighs us down with clutter, debt, stress and anxiety. But it's never too late to reclaim your freedom from clutter and debt. You've got this!

I post videos every week on minimalist habits, frugal living, decluttering, saving money, budget tips for plant-based grocery shopping and meal planning... Regardless of how much money we make or where we started out in life, we all deserve to live better, find our purpose, feel our best and create a life we love.

Thank you for being here, you're in the right place.


Shared 2 years ago