Justin & Victoria Boudreaux

Instagram👉🏻 @ariseministries_

Justin and Victoria Boudreaux are the founders of Arise Ministries, an evangelistic ministry based in Louisiana. They are also serving as pastors at Victory Church in New Orleans.

Our life mission is to know Christ and to make Him known. We are passionate about seeing the body of Christ set ablaze with the fire of God by preaching and teaching the full counsel of God's Word with the demonstration of the Holy Spirit's power.

We believe Jesus is returning soon and that He has given us a two-fold calling. Firstly, to see a harvest of lost souls come into the Kingdom of God. (Matthew 13:39, Matthew 24:14) Secondly, to see the church arise and shine with the glory of God in the midst of a dark and hopeless world. (Isaiah 60:1-2, Ephesians 5:27, Revelation 19:7)