The Constitution died in 1861, when the Southern states walked out of Congress. And since Lincoln's first Executive Orders (1861-2). the USA has been under Martial Law/Lieber Code. In 1871, with the Washington D.C. Act, the USA became a Corporation & the States into Franchisees. The USA then went under International Rule of Law in 1933!
The world is ruled by Jesuits, who control their fellow luciferian banking family cartels.The Corporation of the United States, is one of three "Sister Cities" of NWO control. The 2nd & 3rd epicenters being "the Vatican city & the city of London." All three are Nation/City States, with their OWN RULES & are UNTOUCHABLE, in their respective zones.
The District of Columbia, controls the military industrial complex, the Vatican city, watches over the super cult of spiritual deception, secret societies & cults, & the city of London, resides over the World Economic System of fiat money=debt, slave creating, nation destroying, monetary system of USURY.