Hi everyone. I'm here to have fun with video editing and posting them so everyone can see my awesome skill...or not. Yeah, I don't stick to any one thing in particular, so if you subscribe, don't be expecting an episode 2 or anything. I take video requests by PM if you want to send them to me, but don't expect anything immediately. I only make a video if I feel like it or something entices me to so don't expect systematic updates or anything. I also am a very sporadic poster, so again, don't expect a pattern of posts, just randomly check for videos if you feel like it! Yeah, have fun guys and Happy New Year!

Abandoned most of those AMVs I mentioned earlier... I lost a good deal of the started ones in a HD crash... which means I'm back to taking recommendations and requests. Have fun with that, but don't expect a whole lot out of me. I'm lazy.

Last updated description: 08/09/11