My name is Marcos Testamarck. I am painter and illustrator for animation and interactive films. I am an senior graphics : ART DIRECTOR AND GRAPHIC DESIGNER for an advertising agency , film productions specialised in Cartoons(made in 2D effects) or Cibertoons (we use the special software 3D),for video games and other off-line products (c.d rom) too, I work also for the on-line products( the on-line products are productions specialised in the Site Web)and a full length feature-film for The society Cinegroupe ( Quebec) it’s a 3D-animation picture.I have also worked for diferents societies in Europe and abroad. I’m working since I have worked wiht then, I do conceive the interface and graphic universes (characters, objets and bakgrounds).
Shared 7 years ago
Shared 7 years ago
Shared 8 years ago