Poonam Vijay Thakkar

Welcome to The PVT Show!! दोस्तों, स्कूल, कॉलेज, ऑफिस, ने जो नहीं सिखाया, वोह यहाँ सीखेंगे. My team and I are dedicated to bringing you intellectually stimulating wisdom of people with strong mind and top | rising star authors of India. As the creator and host of 'The PVT Show,' I strive to deliver deep, insightful interviews (इंटरव्यूज - हिंदी/इंग्लिश) shaping our न्यू world. Our channel focuses on conversations that truly energise minds of young professionals and the youth of India (यूथ ऑफ़ इंडिया), covering self-development, mind-power, career, confidence, philosphy, neur-science, business, & spirituality. Join me and let us together begin this most rewarding journey of "strong you from within", a tribe of people who say no to "Giving-Up".

About Host PVT: Award Winning Corporate Leader | Social Entrepreneur | Practicing Mindset Coach | Listed under Top 100 CMO's & Top 100 Women in BFSI Industry. For Appointment - topmate.io/poonamvt