sam gilford music videos

Sammy Gilford artist, archivist, musicologist & collector included: His father & mother actor comedian Jack Gilford & wife producer/activist Madeline Lee Gilford, her memorial at Sardi's. vintage WWF, SCTV, Metropolis, Nosferatu, dr calagari, the golem Hand in Hand, Image before my eyes, Lenny Bruce, John Henry Faulk, T.E Lawrence, Roy Cohen, RD Laing, Liv Ullmann, Max Von Sydow, Quentin Crisp. Pollack, Kline, The 64 & 72 tv prod. of Once upon a mattress, Noel Coward, the world of Shalom Alechiem, "Yiddish", MAX by Joseph Gilford. "Hate on trial," Classic Funt's Film "What do you say to a naked lady". Sammy's early revolutionary public access tv show "Sammy's video collages" c2000-5, home movies, sam's own video collages, his various art work & piano playing, movies w/his choice of soundtrack. so far after 8 yrs almost 4400 + postings. 750k views 1700 sub! THANK YOU ALL ! please subscribe. & pass the word. enjoy.