Yiğitcan Gözoğlu

Yigitcan Gozoglu was born in 22th March 1991.He began the Piano when he was 5 years old.He began the Children Choir lessons and Dokuz Eylül University's Piano department in 1996.He contunied his education in Dokuz Eylül University's High School and began the Piano Department in 2005. He is giving concerts as a pianist since 1996.In fact, He won this University's Piano Department exam in 2009.However,he didn't contunie to study this department.He chose the Composition and Orchestra Conducting Department in 2010.
He took Composition,Orchestra Conducting,Electronic Music,The Jazz Harmony,Solfege,Counterpoint,Fugue,Writing Chorale,Writing Canon,Orchestration,Instrumention,The Musical History,Music with Computer,String Instrument,Woodwind Instrument,Partita Reading and Playing,Harmony,Musical Analyses,New Music Technics and The Piano Lessons in his Bacholar Degree.
Then, he graduated his Master's Degree in Orchestra Conducting Department.
Now, he is an academician in Cyprus.