Johnny Sizemore (One Accord)

Johnny Sizemore (Director/Writer/Executive Producer/CEO)
Johnny Sizemore is the co-founder of Showtime Productions which is a non-profit Christian and urban based Theatre Company. Currently, he serves as the Co-CEO, Director,
Writer and Executive Producer. Johnny is a multiple business executive who has been called into ministry while simultaneously serving the market. As a minster Johnny is known as a powerful, prolific celebrant, charged with a strong desire to see this generation on fire for God! His efforts do not cease with the pulpit. In 2005 Johnny formed the award-winning gospel group popularly known as Johnny Sizemore and One Accord. Under his leadership One Accord has earned 5 Rhythm of Gospel Awards. With the growth and success of One Accord the group’s name has been changed to Johnny Sizemore and Elevated. The name change is in direct correlations to the success and “elevation” of the group. To provide justification for the title, “multiple business executive”


Shared 12 years ago