I extend my hand in friendship and bid you welcome. These clips document my personal history in the arts, the roadmap to where I am today. They are presented for your entertainment, and enjoyment. You will see my imperfections, and also witness my growth.
Everything you see was filmed when the opportunity presented. There were no rehearsals. Self defense presentations were improvised on the spot. Gun Fu as an art exists in the moment, and we tried to bring that point across.
Our videos may be embedded provided the associated warning and disclaimer text is included wherever our videos are placed. Otherwise ... verboten!
Martial arts, like any contact sport, presents the risk of injury, sometimes serious, disabling, or even fatal. Actual techniques should only be practiced in a controlled environment emphasizing safety, under the direct supervision of a Black Belt instructor (in whom you have trust and confidence), and only after you have been cleared by your personal physician.
Shared 8 years ago
Shared 10 years ago
Shared 10 years ago