Hey there, have a nice day :) .

Working on: "MVP" for a new Mario Party Fan game. Afterwards: Modding tools for PMTTYD.

I might revive this channel in future for open-community Nintendo game modding :-) of my favourite games! Megalomaniac plans primed with CE study skills.

I love electronic, creative and video game music (some know me for that).
I'm eco democrat. My wish is democratizing economics/politics i.e. life over profit, scalable living & global well-being without greed, wealth or privileges.
What means Democrazy? Transparency, anti-corruption, self-criticism, anti-greed, co-decision, all's responsibility, decentral power, open instead of free markets, environmentalism, stability limits.

I welcome constructive feedback and criticism. Mind that harassement, intimidation & violence is no opinion and useless because it firms opposition. I am proactive against criminal speech.