I'm an interdisciplinary artist and digital media producer with a passion for the sciences, especially physics as form follows function. I produced these videos (scripted, shot, edited, advised) with an understanding of how to make dense information accessible to the public -especially students- and inspire them toward further investigation.
Einstein said it should be possible to explain the laws of physics to a barmaid. This is important because we take the phenomena of the world for granted, and the 4th dimension is an unusual configuration of forces and events. As science continues to investigate the infuriatingly intricate heart of nature, everyone should have a basic understanding of the ground rules - you can't fully appreciate the game without it. Tech is transforming education and access to information, and we can all benefit from sharing knowledge as power. Because everything we see and know only represents 5% of the total baryonic picture, the exploration has just begun.
Shared 15 years ago
Shared 16 years ago
Shared 16 years ago