Voice Actress Martial Artist Singer Rapper Hawkins

HILLARY HAWKINS, former Host of Nick Jr. & Radio Disney, is a Christian Content Creator on YouTube that creates Christian TV Shows, Christian TV series to watch, TV Shows with Christian values, Christian TV shows for adults, Christian TV shows for kids, Free Christian TV Shows, religious TV Shows, new Christian TV Shows, Christian TV series, Christian Music, Christian Songs & Christian entertainment for children & families!

Christian Music Artist HILLARY HAWKINS is a Christian Singer Songwriter on the TV Show "Gospel Music" which aired on the CW, ABC, CBS & FOX and is now available at www.badamitvchannel.com. Hawkins is also a Christian Voice Actress, Christian Female Voice Over Talent, Christian Screenwriter, Spiritual BIPOC woman writer, multilingual BIPOC actress martial artist, Christian entertainer, Bible Narrator & Ordained Minister creating faith based content, faith based TV series rooted in the Word of God.
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