Animation Lover (aka Kaylin)

Hello, I'm a girl/woman who loves animation, hence the name Animation Lover. I joined YouTube years ago because I felt inspired to try making videos that others may have not made before and share my stories and ideas with everyone who's interested, no matter what age, race, gender, etc., they are. Wish me luck on how the videos may turn out.

The reason I called myself Animation Lover is because I love the art, beauty, and techniques of animation in animated shows, movies, and video games. I love how effective they tell stories and show the possibilities of art, music, video, motion, and storytelling. However, it doesn't mean that I love EVERY animated movie, show, or video game. There are some that I don't like for certain reasons, such as the "adult" cartoons and shows where the "humor" doesn't seem humorous to me at all.

You can also follow me on DeviantArt and Wattpad to see more of my creativity.