Bible Believing Christian

I review Bibles of all types and translations. I love the word of God and I do these videos to help people make a more informed purchase decision when buying a Bible, many people (myself included) do not have access to a Christian bookstore and must buy Bibles online without being able to see them. I like to show the Bibles up close so that you’ll know what you’re getting before buying one. The links I provide in the description box are Amazon affiliate links which gives me a very small commission when the link is used but it does not change the cost to the person buying the Bible. Using the links are a great way to support my channel at no cost to you. It helps me to continue to share Bibles with you all... ☕️☕️☕️ If you enjoy my reviews please consider buying me a coffee to show your support ☕️ ☕️☕️


Shared 3 years ago