Hello and welcome to what is probably the biggest lighting channel on YouTube! I have been collecting lights ever since I was a toddler and have continued doing so to this day! I'm not sure why but lighting has always fascinated me. I have an extensive collection of light bulbs, light fixtures and everything in-between! While my channel is mostly lighting, you will also find videos of many other interests. My other hobbies include, desk fans, ceiling fans, apple computers, and electronics. On a more personal level I enjoy creating art, drawing and expressing myself through my fursona, Mercovay, if you're interested in learning more about my furry side, you can find a link in the links section below. I really enjoy creating content here on YouTube and sharing my life with all of you! Thank you for stopping by, I hope you subscribe and join me on my journey through life!

Mercovay Studios 2009 - 2024