Welcome to my channel,here you can find a great variety of music, ranging from free jazz to pop, electronica, ambient, and experimental approaches. What I had in mind when I started this channel was that I wanted to present the music I play - with my band AnyDayNow and my fun-project "the Wies´n Buam", solo - works or collaborations with other musicians. It soon became clear that I wanted more, when I started filming other musicians perform,like free-jazz-legend Peter Brötzmann,or free-rock-improvisational trio Gorilla Moon,coming from Wuppertal as well,and others.Furthermore I wanted to post music I love but couldn´t find on youTube, like Philip Catherine´s "Babel", the one and only cd by The Trio Cucamonga, etc.The largest part of my uploads is audio only; a great part of what I post is the music that I play, or that of friends.So, whatever your musical interest may be,you might find it worthy browsing through my uploads. There are many gems waiting to be discovered.


Shared 4 months ago