Tzu Chi Culture and Communication Foundation

In 1967, one year after Tzu Chi was founded by Dharma Master Cheng Yen in Hualien, eastern Taiwan, a biweekly newsletter recording people's donations to Tzu Chi was published. This newsletter, which later became Tzu Chi Monthly magazine, was the origin of Tzu Chi's Mission of Culture.

Over the years, as Tzu Chi's cultural mission unfolded, in addition to print media, it further endeavored into electronic media. In 2005, Tzu Chi's cultural center was inaugurated in Taipei. Today, the center is home to Da Ai TV, Da Ai e-Radio, Tzu Chi Monthly, Rhythms Monthly, and periodicals in English and Japanese.

With the dedication of professional staff members, the support of donations from the general public, and the contributions of articles, photos, and videos from Tzu Chi's documenting volunteers around the globe, Tzu Chi's cultural center will continue in its efforts to report what is true, good and beautiful, inspiring more people to take action and make the world a better place.