TBIT:-The Best INDIAN Trainer is EDUCATIONAL YouTube Channel. Thank you (रुचि दिखाने के लिए आपका ह्रदय के गहनतल से आभारी हूँ,)for showing interest in my channel!!!

Vision(दृष्टि):- to train(प्रशिक्षित करना) and develop(विकसित करना) Hindi/Urdu/English speaking people across the world. Free of Cost!!!

Question:-What will subscriber get from my channel?
Answer:- People & their relatives will get quality education and authentic content, free of cost!!!

***This channel use easy language आसान भाषा में सींखे.....
***Simple, Precise,Concise,Unambiguous, Crystal clear concepts with a lot of FUN!!!

Question:- What is teaching/training methodology?
Answer:- Picture speaks louder than words, This channel will use more picture, animation, analogy, real life example, practice demonstration.

*** You can share your idea and feedback to(यदि इससे सम्बंधित कोई सवाल या कोई सुझाव है तो हमें E-mail ईमेल कर सकते हैं)