Hello and welcome to Bricks Arcade! 😃
I bring the minifigures to life and give them character by creating Lego stop motion animations!
Often described as ‘time-consuming’ or ‘painstaking’ stop-motion is not the quickest process around. I shoot high-quality brickfilms at 15-17 fps, which means one second of a video is achieved by shooting 17 individual still frames. SEVENTEEN! Understanding of motion and a lot of patience are required to make an animation not only move but come to life.
Besides, I love to involve my viewers with ‘making of’ clips and regular updates on my social media.
Get access to behind-the-scenes content and time-lapses of me animating exclusively on the 'Brick Fandom' LEGO community and follow me on Instagram!
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I'm currently working on my next animation aaand till then,
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Thanks for watching!