田中 達也
ミニチュア写真家・見立て作家。1981年熊本生まれ。2011年、ミニチュアの視点で日常にある物を別の物に見立てたアート「MINIATURE CALENDAR」を開始。以後毎日作品をインターネット上で発表し続けている。国内外で開催中の展覧会、「MINIATURE LIFE展 田中達也見立ての世界」の来場者数が累計100万人を突破(2019年11月現在)。Instagramのフォロワーは250万人を超える(2020年6月現在)。著書に「MINIATURE LIFE」、「Small Wonders」、「MINIATURE TRIP IN JAPAN」など。
Tatsuya Tanaka
Miniature and resemblance artist. Born in Kumamoto Prefecture in 1981. In 2011, he began creating a “MINIATURE CALENDAR”, a form of art that sees him use alternative items to recreate everyday things in miniature form. Since then, he has been updating and uploading content to present online on a daily basis. His exhibition, “MINIATURE LIFE Exhibition: Tatsuya Tanaka’s World of Resemblance”, which is being held both domestically and internationally, has had a total of over 1,000,000 visitors (as of November 2019). He currently has over 2,500,000 followers on Instagram (as of June 2020). Some of his works include “MINIATURE LIFE“, “Small Wonders“, and “MINIATURE TRIP IN JAPAN“.
Shared 3 years ago
Shared 4 years ago