The JHS Show is hosted by Josh Scott, owner and creator of JHS Pedals. The show began as a way to share the stories, personalities and amazing history that make the pedal industry what it is. Josh has many years of experience recording, playing live, as well as building and designing pedals. This has resulted in a fascination with pedals, as well as a love for the history surrounding gear and its influence on popular music.

Every episode Josh talks about a different topic related to guitar, guitar pedals, and the history of it all, as well as a healthy amount of playing. The JHS Show is a collaborative effort between Josh and Nick Loux who has worked with Josh since 2010. Nick and Josh co-produce while Nick handles the filming and editing duties of each episode that Josh writes in deep morning meditation on a mountain peak high above the plains of Kansas City.


Shared 11 months ago



Shared 1 year ago