Hi! Thank you for taking your time to check on me ❤️

I'm a music producer and I make anime instrumentals for singers all over the world.

↪︎ Join my Patreon: patreon.com/JonatanKing

❗Be aware that I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION to re-upload my instrumentals in any way, shape or form. Giving credits is not enough, you must be my Patreon.

🙏🏻 I have to do this otherwise wont be fair for all my Patreons. PLEASE JOIN US! With your support we can keep making the music you love. You can become a Patreon today right here: patreon.com/JonatanKing

⚠️ Keep on mind that my team issues copyright strikes if any of my music was used unrightfully.
If you still have questions, check my website: jonatanking.com

Best Regards,

Jonatan King