it's CeCe! tv - Learning Videos for Baby & Toddler

Toddler learning videos and baby learning videos are more fun with its CeCe! Your child will rapidly develop speech and language skills with our funny preschool songs, happy nursery rhymes, and language-based toddler education.

Created by a real teacher, we use techniques recommended by speech therapists,
word repetition, and extra giggles in every lesson. Your little ones will practice first words and learn
baby sign language, colors, numbers, shapes, and animal sounds and more. We also teach toddlers about kindness, feelings, friendship and other social skills needed for preschool and kindergarten.

New research shows laughter can help your toddler learn at an accelerated pace. it's CeCe’s silly spin on classic kid’s songs and nursery rhymes will enhance your children’s language development and increase their self-confidence. Just what you need to bring joy and fun to your family as you sing along with CeCe to help your child learn.

New videos shared weekly so please subscribe!