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From MJHD:
There are many reasons for us to believe that Michael Jackson hoaxed his death. Listed here are only a few of the mysterious facts that point to a hoax. Since Michel Jackson's alleged death, many different accounts of what occured that day and beyond have been released. These are people who should know very well what happened...so why do their stories keep changing? Visit our forums for even more facts than will be listed here:
FACT: TMZ, a tabloid media source was the FIRST to report MJ had died. They reported it before the coroner and before Jermaine Jackson made his public statement.
FACT: Dr. Conrad Murray refused to sign the death certificate. No physician at UCLA in charge would sign either. In fact no UCLA doctor has made any kind of statement confirming the death of Michael Jackson or even that he was on the premises.
FACT: A tabloid reporter predicted that MJ had six months to live, and.. six months later he died.
FACT: The 911 operator HUNG UP on the caller. This is 100% against 911 policy. They have to stay on the line until the paramedics get there.
FACT: There were no drugs found in MJs home until the second search..AFTER the family had been there.
FACT: In This Is It: MJ had created a new video for Smooth Criminal. Its an old film from 1946 called Gilda in which MJ played one of the characters.The character MJ replaces in the film in the story of the original movie.....fakes his death.
FACT: Michael's 'last message' to the public at his memorial...'Im alive and Im here forever..'
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