Tweaking and shooting airguns. Motorbikes, Heavy equipment & farming.
From heavy equipment repair&maintenance to repairing kids toys.

Paavo Kaleva

Happy Holidays everybody!
End of the year is busy. New air pistol/carbine on my channel and going to teach my kids to ride a motorcycle.
New videos coming in the beginning of 2025.
Take care!

1 month ago | [YT] | 1

Paavo Kaleva

While waiting for another airgun, actually air pistol, I did some forest work. Cleaned some fallen trees (spruce) and cut down trees that were damaged from European spruce bark beetle. As a result I got good amount of firewood.

2 months ago | [YT] | 1

Paavo Kaleva

It has been busy summer and autumn is continuing to be busy. But I still have managed to fit in some time to shoot airguns. At the beginning of summer I started to shoot 30- and 40-yard challenges (from Airgunnation forum). It is quite challenging discipline and I like it. A lot.

Started with my Snowpeak P35 followed by AGT Vulcan 3, AirMaks Arms KRAiT L and my tweaked FX Dreamline and Maverick mix.

Results are in the pictures (in two posts).
In this post: Snowpeak P35 and results; AGT Vulcan 3 and results; AirMaks Arms KRAiT L.
In previous post: KRAiT results; FX Dreamline and results.

FX Dreamline performed surprisingly powerful - kicking out 38fpe out of .177. With ZAN 20gr slugs. During shooting 30-yard challenge one slug went through almost-2-inch thick backstop (dry pine board). Pictures in the next (older) post that follows this one in timeline (from newest to oldest).

4 months ago | [YT] | 0

Paavo Kaleva

...see previous (newer) post.
Pictures that did not fit into previous post.

4 months ago | [YT] | 0

Paavo Kaleva

In search of more accuracy I decided to sort some slugs by weight. 13gr ZAN slugs from Zanprojectiles. They were pretty consistent. Variation in weight was from 12.88gr to 12.94gr, so I grouped them all in 12.9gr class.
And I'm going to shoot them with my AirMaks Arms KRAiT L. Also modified my FX Dreamline's Plano 42" case to house AirMaks KRAiT.

And what better way to do it than watching YouTube at the same time.

Take care and shoot safe!

9 months ago | [YT] | 0

Paavo Kaleva

AirMaks Arms KRAiT L delivers.

Fine tuned my KRAiT and sighted it at 30 meters/33 yards.
You can see one 5 shot group and one full mag (18 shots) dump.

Next is to move target further and see what does groups then do. 50m, 75m and 100m distances.

Take care and shoot safe!

9 months ago | [YT] | 3

Paavo Kaleva

First warm (11 deg Celsius) day of this spring and of course I had to go out and tune my AirMaks Arms KRAiT L, in .177cal. Tuned it to shoot JSB KnockOut 13.43grain slugs at 960fps. Super easy gun to tune!
And accurate!

Take care and shoot safe!

9 months ago | [YT] | 7

Paavo Kaleva

Days are getting longer and spring, with it's "plenty of work to do", is just around the corner. Despite of all that I managed to fabricate a cradle for my Yong Heng HPA (High Pressure Air) compressor. Cradle is for vibration dampening and water/oil separator mounting.

Weather is hectic still but getting better and hopefully soon I can use my compressor setup to fill my SCBA tank for airgun shooting.

But in the meanwhile keep on watching my videos.
Take care!

10 months ago | [YT] | 1

Paavo Kaleva

It is this time of the year (in Estonia) that icicles are forming and these are dangerous!
How to get them down before someone gets hurt when icicle falls down?
You shoot them down with airgun!


Go see, how it's done:

Fresh footage sooner than later!
Stay tuned!

11 months ago | [YT] | 4

Paavo Kaleva

Weather is turning cold again, but managed to do 3 different pellet test with my AirMaks Krait L.
Took full magazine (18 shots), no barrel cleaning or tuning the gun, straight out of the box and it delivered good data.
18 shots, .177 JSB Exact 8,44gr pellets - 952fps average, 12fps spread and 3.8fps STD Dev. Not bad, not bad at all!
950fps is a bit too much for pellets. 8.44gr is light, too light for my application, so the only way is to try heavier pellets.
Next was 18 shots of .177 JSB Hades 10.34gr pellets - 894fps average, 7fps spread and 2.2fps STD Dev.
WOW!!! Even better! Brand new gun, barrel not cleaned and regulator still not worked in - for this it is almost perfect!
890fps is in that perfect pellet speed range.
Well, if KRAIT pushes 10.34gr pellets that fast then it gave me an idea to try 10.03gr slugs - JSB KnockOut's.
18 shots of .177 JSB KnockOut 10.03gr slugs - 875fps average, 25fps spread and 6.4fps STD Dev. In that string Hi was 881fps and Low 856fps. I measured speeds with FX pocket chronograph and it is known to throw low reading when batteries start to get empty. I believe that was the case. So, I'm not worried about that 25fps spread.
All the above was done with factory settings on gun - regulator at 70 bar, hammer spring tension from factory and all shots were taken from fill pressure from 200bar to 150bar. All together 54 shots + around 10 dryfiring cycles. And that gives us ~0.8bar/per shot - and that is pretty efficient!!!
70 bar on reg. and HS (hammer spring) adjuster almost backed out - there is a big potential in this gun to shoot heavier pellets and slugs. But accuracy will tell what I'm going to tune that gun for!
I'm stoked!
Videos of that AirMaks Arms KRAIT L are coming! SOON!
Stay tuned!

11 months ago | [YT] | 4