JCT_OfficialGlobalFansClub 檀健次官方海外粉絲後援會

🔥 Hey there, all you passionate Tanjianci fans! Welcome to the Tanjianci JC-T Official Global Fans Club! 🔥

🌏 我们是一群被檀健次这位文艺工作者所深深吸引的小炭火。檀健次,生于1990年10月5日,是一位中国舞者,歌手和演员。通过这个官方海外后援会,我们将一同追随他的音乐和表演的足迹,感受他独特的魅力。
We are a community brought together by our shared love for Tanjianci. Born on October 5, 1990, Tanjianci is a Chinese dancer, singer and actor. Through this club, we aim to follow his footsteps in music and performance, experiencing the unique charm he brings.

🔮 一同发掘檀健次的台前幕后独家揭秘的宝藏之地。无论是他的动人歌声还是出色的演技,我们将为你呈现檀健次的多重才华。
Immerse yourself in a treasure trove of music and performances, exclusive behind-the-scenes insights into Tanjianci's world. Whether it's his soulful voice or outstanding acting skills, we're here to showcase Tanjianci's multifaceted talent.

📆 点击订阅按钮,开启通知。从现场演出到问答环节,我们将满足你对檀健次的所有期待!
📆 Hit that subscribe button, turn on notifications. From live performances to Q&A sessions, we're here to fulfill all your expectations of Tanjianci.