Planned Parenthood

We’re America's most trusted provider of sexual and reproductive health care. We think we look pretty good for 100 years old!

Comments on this channel may be archived or used in Planned Parenthood promotional materials or social media posts.

Moderation Policy: Inappropriate content will be removed, including: false propaganda; deliberately misleading health information; hate speech; attacks on other users; and anti-choice content. Repeat offenders will be banned. While we adhere to these guidelines as closely as possible, occasionally we use our discretion.

This channel is for Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that doesn't endorse candidates or otherwise intervene in elections, so we also don't discuss them on this channel. If you want to learn more about the work of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, a separate 501(c)(4) organization, formed as the advocacy and political arm of PPFA, please visit