魔術師甄澤權Louis Yan,是香港著名魔術師及2019年「香港十大傑出青年」得主。2020年首次登上了中央電視台春節聯歡晚會作演出。Louis是本港唯一一位於美國及歐洲魔術大獎奪得冠軍而同是亦是魔術界奧斯卡梅林獎得主的香港人。在過去數年間,Louis屢獲殊榮,亦曾創下兩項健力士世界紀錄 。Louis活躍於電視,曾為TVB節目「街頭魔法王系列」擔崗演出。Louis的個人世界巡迴魔術之旅走遍世界各地,於香港,拉斯維加斯,多倫多,墨爾本,悉尼,洛杉磯等地作演出。

Well-known Magician Louis Yan, he received the 2019 “Ten Outstanding Young Persons Selection Award” organized by JCIHK. In 2020, Louis was firstly being invited and performed at the CCTV New Year’s Gala. Louis is the first and the only local magician that has won Magic Competitions in both America and in Europe together with the Merlin Award, the Magic Hall of Fame. Louis broke two Guinness World Record in these few years as well. Louis has frequently appeared on television and is the feature magician in the program “Street Sorcerers”. In recent years, Louis has received multiple accolades and got his Magic World Tour done in Hong Kong, Las Vegas, Toronto, Sydney, Melbourne and Los Angeles and has gained worldwide attention.