In the immortal words of Christopher Hitchens:
"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."
"The only way multiculturalism will ever work is with a secular state and a godless constitution for every country on the planet."
"Everybody does have a book in them, but in most cases that's where it should stay. "
In the immortal words of Dick Head, when commenting on the vid ♫ The March of the Waffen SS - Viktoria Sieg Heil ♫ -
"The comments on this video get creepier by the day. Where the hell do you freaks come from, lol? I mean fuck, changing user names, constantly talking gay shit, acting like you know each other. I think you ALL need to meet, do a big circle-jerk, blow each other, and then shoot each other in the fucking head..."
R.I.P. skeilak November 6 2006 - March 23rd 2013. His absence is deeply felt.
R.I.P. The Ravioli Cat Aug 1995 - Jan 2014. She will be greatly missed.
Shared 9 years ago
Shared 11 years ago
Shared 11 years ago