Shalum and welcome, these messages are to those who are drawn by The Almighty Yahuah to His Word (Yahusha) as it is written in John 6:44. Let it be known that The Almighty Yahuah also sent His Set-apart Spirit in Yahusha's name as it is written in John 14:26. Come and examine this message regarding Wisdom vs. Mental Logic. End-times will prove to present major corrections for bring The Set-apart Children of Yahuah who come in His Word - Yahusha's name into unity. Come and examine these words my brothers and sisters.
Each message presented is to encourage The Children of The Almighty Yahuah through to recognize that Yahusha is Yahuah's Word and to begin facing the realities of end-times.
I invite you to visit my other channel @WhiteRobesFamily .
#Yahuah #Yahusha #Yashar'al #HebrewIsraelites #WhiteRobesFamily #TheFinalExodus #TheGreaterExodus #Watchman #Symmanayah #End-times #EndtimeProphey #TheClosingScroll #Saved #Salvation #Tribulation