Hey Y'all! I'm just a mom of three beautiful children and one angel baby who needs to give myself a huge glow-up. I have had autoimmune issues for years and years and all of the medication and fatigue has equaled a lack of exercise and an inability to spend time outside. The autoimmune issues combined with eating the SAD (Standard American Diet) contributed to me gaining a lot of weight over the years and it is now time to stop the excuses and get back in shape. I started by slowing cutting out the wheat which made a huge impact and then slowly cut out other grain and inflammatory vegetables. I am off all medication for autoimmune now! After reading and researching about the Carnivore Diet and all the success other people with autoimmune issues have had, I am now hooked. Not only are dietary changes needed in my life, exercise is also needed. As a busy mom, I have also let other things go like taking care of myself. Join me as I take back my health, beauty, and self-confidence!


Shared 1 month ago



Shared 1 month ago



Shared 1 month ago