Capturing the world without bias, fear, or partisanship.

Our founders quit their jobs in August 2020 because they couldn’t bear consuming divisive, biased, and fear-mongering news any longer. News media had been deteriorating for years; the pandemic accelerated the trend.

Our founders envisioned a media company that helped people live happier, healthier, and more informed lives. They set out to create convenient news products that did that.

“Roca” is short for “Pororoca,” a biannual wave that sweeps the Amazon River. Surfers come from across the world to surf the Pororoca; it’s a wave that brings people together. That’s Roca’s mission with the news.

For business:
Fan emails:


Six months ago, we began our YouTube journey, starting with election coverage in swing states.

Next, we launched our Rust Belt series, and soon, we’ll report internationally.

Our mission is to showcase the world as it is — free from bias, fear, or partisanship.

Because our videos are only ~15-minutes, much of our footage and photos never make the cut.

Below are some behind-the-scenes photos from our trips.

(Can you guess any of the locations?)

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 144


Which of the following videos are you most excited for?

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 24


Big News has billions of dollars and high-level connections. We have Roca Nation.

We rely on our audience to help us source stories and share advice when we're traveling for reporting trips. If you'd ever like to help out – even just to take a walk or grab a drink when we're in your area – you can sign up here:

When we come to your city/area, we'll try to reach out. We travel constantly, so wherever you are – no matter how remote or far away – let us know if you're down to talk when we're in town!

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 383


Would you be interested in a video on industry in Wisconsin? (manufacturing, dairy, paper mills, etc)

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 45


We are currently producing a video on Gary, Indiana. Super excited to share.
What title would you be most likely to click on?

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 60


We are currently producing a video on drugs in Ohio (meth, fentanyl, crack, etc)
What title would you be most likely to click on?

1 month ago | [YT] | 67


Thanks for watching the first two episodes of our Rust Belt series! With ~10 episodes to come, which one are you most excited for?

1 month ago | [YT] | 41