Melonhead Official

You win some, you lose some. Trial and error. These things are part of life and make us human. Life is a rollercoaster. So raise your glass, forget your troubles and give your mate a hug. Join us in our rocking ride called Melonhead.

After several club shows, supports for Paceshifters and The Pigeon Detectives, and three editions of their own festival ‘Melonfest’, Melonhead is back in 2021 with their first full length album. A new sound, a new start with the sights on the future.

Everything that started the late ‘80s and flows out in the ‘90’s is intertwined in Melonhead’s DNA. A raw sound with a energetic live performance and songs about life and love are recurring themes. OK HIHAT!

Siep van Rijswijk - Vocals, guitar
Boris Manintveld - Drums, vocals
Rob Kooymans - Bass, vocals
Michiel Kemper - Guitar, vocals
Theun Nijholt - Guitar/Keys, vocals