The Lazy Eyebrow

I'm The Lazy Eyebrow. I use stop motion to create videos mainly centered around transformers

- Frequently Asked Questions -

Q - Why is your eyebrow lazy?
A - I underwent surgery when I was three that severed the nerve endings that control the muscles in my right eyebrow.

Q - Why did you start doing reviews when thousands of other people do it already?
A - I was looking for a specific kind of review that didn't exist, so instead of waiting for it to happen, I made it myself

Q - Why Stop Motion?
A - This was the kind of review that I wanted to see, a review comprised entirely of Stop Motion, also it's a hobby of mine

Q - Why does Review 100 say the final review?
A - for a time I stopped, I thought I was done with the channel but recently restarted it

Q - What's the next video going to be?
A - Not sure, you'll find out when it uploads, or a week before that if you're a patron