『 Pᴀɴᴢᴇʀ Dʀᴀɢᴏᴏɴ Wᴏʀʟᴅ』「パンツァードラグーンワールド」

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#1『 Panzer Dragoon community 』We make your voice matter
News + Giveaways || We want the series revived in a RPG
Community manager: Azel Resurrection Project
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We share Panzer Dragoon news on Twitter as soon as they drop.
Thanks for your continued support!
--== Follow us on social networks for updates ==--
✅ WEBSITE ► www.PanzerDragoon.World/
✅ TWITTER ► twitter.com/PanzDragWorld
✅ INSTAGRAM ► www.instagram.com/PanzerDragoonWorld/
✅ FACEBOOK ► www.facebook.com/PanzerDragoonWorld/
✅ AZEL R PROJECT ► www.patreon.com/AzelR

--== Sign the petition for an open world Panzer Dragoon game ==--
📝 CHANGE.ORG ► www.change.org/PanzerDragoonWorld