The Glorious Fountain Ministries

THE GLORIOUS FOUNTAIN MINISTRIES is an Interdenominational Non denominational body dedicated to bringing you God's presence)....
The Glorious Fountain ministries have been in inception since June 15th 1994. This Ministry is about WORSHIP and of course the worship of the One and only true God. Our hearts’ desire is to bring people to a place of deep and intimate personal relationship with God.
Our vision is to reach people everywhere and inspire them to worship The Father in Spirit and in Truth.
Our mission is to usher people into the presence of God, where souls will be refreshed, revived, healed, delivered and saved as they encounter Jesus in our worship. In the process, we trust God to break the walls of division and unite us as one body in Christ. It is our joy to usher you into the throne room of King of kings where God is the only focus and worship is a natural response to His awesome majesty.