Orchestra & Band Music

Welcome to Orchestra & Band Music!

We upload full score videos of any orchestra or band pieces you are currently playing. Sometimes, even arrangements of popular soundtracks!


Why are there orchestra & band pieces mix on this channel: We want to upload the pieces here, so more people can be able to find it easier.

Score & Sound: In every orchestra or band sheet music, we will show full scores of the music and sound.

Watermarks: Notice there will be copyright watermark from music companies, we all have to leave the watermark on to prevent copyright infringement. All sheet music are protected by copyrighted laws.

Playlists: To help locate the pieces, the playlist tab will help you find the piece you are currently playing.

Contact us at jcbmikes@gmail.com, to request a music, so we can upload it to YouTube.

Notice that we take a few weeks or a month to find sheet music, edit, and prepare uploading it.