
I'm nothing but myself, if you have a problem with it, get the fuck outta here!!!

*Keep your hate mail to yourselves! I don't want to hear it! I don't care, nor desire to read your opinions. If we don't like the same bands, that's great. Get the fuck over it.

give me envy
give me malice
give me your attention

Hey guys!!!Thank you for visiting my page!!! Well, XOXO to ALL of you, even the haters!!!

Now that we've covered that, Welcome to my page! Feel free to comment, send me messages, and just talk about BS all you want!!! I take all friend requests, so don't be afraid to add me!!!

About me:
name: Hannah
Age: 13
Orientation: Straight
Status: Taken
Smoke: Gross!
Drugs: More gross!

Top 5 Hottest Guys EVER
1. Brendon Urie
2. Zacky Vengeance
3. Ryan Ross
4. Jon Walker
5. Scott Speedman

Top 5 favorite bands:
1. Panic at the Disco
2. Led Zepplin
3. Shiny Toy Guns
4. Evanescence
5. The Beatles

My #1 role model:
Kate Beckinsale bitches!!!