Based in Kentucky
This is an independent reality fishing show focused on people and their stories. Our videos feature charity fundraisers, cash-prize games, personal interviews, creative skits, a Halloween twist, and always a woman's touch. We have a wacky style of entertainment and all the while we incorporate old-school fishing methods like trotlines, limb lines, jug lines, and the occasional flying fish. And yes, we share every trip—good, bad, or fishless. Join us as we check the lines!
Our main show is free to watch, with bonus content available on Patreon.
We typically kick off in April and keep rolling until the end of the year. If it’s winter, we’re probably hibernating. Thanks for dropping by!
Send us mail anytime:
PO BOX 50196
Bowling Green, KY 42102
Post office physical address:
5300 Scottsville Rd
# 50196
Bowling Green, KY 42104
Shared 4 months ago
Shared 1 year ago