This Youtube channel is dedicated to all of you who want to learn capoeira songs. I will be constantly uploading videos and adding videos from other youtube users with music and lyrics of capoeira tunes so you can teach yourself and sing along in the roda or/and lead the roda.
Some songs include the lyrics in the "description" section of the video. You can copy and paste this in a word document so you are able to print them and keep the lyrics organized.
Feel free to leave comments and contribute with the channel by adding and/or correcting lyrics and translations, adding and/or correcting credits (many credits are missing and I need your help), suggesting new songs, etc. You can email me in english/spanish/portuguese. I will do my best to keep the page going strong but please understand if sometimes I am a bit slow.
Subscribe to my page, spread out the word and share the "musica de capoeira" playlist with your capoeirista friends so they can also benefit from these videos :)
This page started with just a few videos I uploaded a few years ago and it has grown tremendously. So far we have over 100 videos with musics and lyrics! from a variety of Mestres/Authors/Singers, as well as groups around the globe :)
This has been only possible because all of your support!
Song List A-L
A Amizade- - Mestre Barrão (uploaded by christianbarranon)
A Benguela Chamou para Jogar (uploaded by carlosgurila)
A Canoa Virou Marinheiro - Mestre Suassuna
Adeus (Boa Viagem)- Mestre Marrom
A hora e Essa- Carolina Soares
A Rei da Mata- Mestre Caxias
A Roda ja Comencou- Capoeira Brasil (uploaded by OuroCapoeira)
Aide Negra Africana-Autor: Marquinho Coreba (uploaded by cabelinhodcdo)
Amor e meu Amor- Graduado Voador
Ansia de Liberdade (Autor: Profesor Ze Baixinho)- (uploaded by golfinhomundo)
Avisa Lá Meu Mano - Mestre Suassuna
Bahia, Bahia Mestre Suassuna
Bamba na Capoeira- (uploaded by OuroCapoeira)
Besouro Preto (Santo Amaro)- Mestre Mão Branca
Bimba Ensina Eu (uploaded by carlosgurila)
Biriba e Para Tocar (uploaded by cabelinhodcdo)
Brincadeira Tem Hora- Mestre Acordeon
Camugerê- - Carolina Soares (uploaded by auaoei) -Video Title: Musicas de Capoeira- letras-lyrics
Canarinho da Alemanha- Carolina Soares (uploaded by auaoei), Video Title: Musicas de Capoeira- letras-lyrics)
Capoeira Abalou- Carolina Soares (uploaded by auaoei), Video Title: Musicas de Capoeira- letras-lyrics)
Capoeira de Angola- Mestre Ch
Shared 14 years ago
Shared 15 years ago
Shared 16 years ago