-=-= Common/Uncommon FAQs =-=-
• =[ I use to a Stream but the system was closed down:

• This USED to be a RS dedicated account, making tutorials
[Idea as of August 25, 2006]

[Includes Unlimited Uploading Rights {similar to Partnership Accounts}]
Making Videos circa 2006...

• People ask me for PIANO SHEET MUSIC. Honestly, I would easily post it for you on another site for downloading, but as of right now, I would really like to post it on a website I own to easily manage the Piano Sheets. Of course, being that I have a hectic schedule, I can't pursue that goal as of now.

~~~ I [USED TO] Post Online~~~
RS Videos
Video Archives of RS Holiday Events

~~~Things I [NOW] Post Online~~~
Video Tutorials utilizing Piano Sheet rendered by my computer for the use of teaching people to play certain popular songs on their musical instruments
Music Related Videos (eg. MIDIs, PIANO Sessions/Tutorials, Digital SHEET MUSIC)

PLAYHACKER PROCLAIMS MY CHANNEL WILL BE COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT- FREE (to the best of my ability and my comprehension of the laws.)

=-=-= Legal stuff =-=-=
The Physical Videos Captures are Property of Playhacker © 2006-11.

Everything uploaded to this account was meant for non-profit, educational purposes.
The digitized music are in no way meant to be the exact replica, verbatim of the original composition.
It is merely transcribed and interpreted into a form so that young musicians can play their favorite song.