1. Adopt a cat or dog. They are literally dying to find a home. Spay and neuter. Stop the cycle of unnecessary litters that often end up in suffering and/or death.
2. Meat is indeed murder. No animal has ever volunteered to suffer and be murdered for anyone’s meal. Only people who lack empathy are incapable of looking at all animals as living, breathing, feeling beings. They are not commodities.
3. F*CK TRUMP and all of his bootlicking, sore loser, sycophants. Nov 2024 will be EIGHT YEARS since he first cried voter fraud when Hillary beat him in the popular. If you can’t prove something in court In 8 years, you can’t prove it at all. If he runs in 2024, that’s an admission that he lied about voter fraud. After all, why would anyone (especially him) run again if the “rigged system” isn’t rectified? If he runs again, loses the popular again, cries again that it was rigged, well no duh dipshit, what did you expect? Once again, all of his gullible supporters will be crying alongside him.
Shared 8 years ago