Welcome to channel "Digital Outskirt" also known as "90s Games, Movies, Soundtracks".
I grew up in the 90s, it's probably why I like all digital 90s stuff.
Difference to today's slightly more high-tech stuff all had a soul, or rather, a personality. However, I missed the most of it since I was born 93. Things that I missed, for example, Sega Genesis / MegaDrive greatness time, The Lion King Release and of course Windows 95.
One might see this as a tribute to the 90s or just as pure entertainment.
Anyway, I thank the 90s and everyone that made it possible for us to enjoy this decade. Once again, Thanks.
Some of my favorite games:
Sonic 1,2,3 and Knuckles fore Genesis/ Mega Drive.
Pitfall on Genesis/ Mega Drive or computer.
Lion King at the sega.
Things I have upload:
Swedish lion king 1 and 2 soundtracks
Pitfall the mayan adventure soundtracks.
Some of my reviwes (sadly on swedish beacause im not realy good at english).
Power rangers "Migthy Morphine" (SNES) soundtracks.
Power rangers Migthy Morphine on the SNES.
Things I will upload:
Lion king soundtracks on english.
All sonic games for Sega Genesis/ Mega Drive except "Sonic 3D".
And if I get the right equipment, "Pitfall the mayan adventure" speed runs.
There will be a few other things on this site too.
Shared 14 years ago
Shared 15 years ago