Hi it's me again, Queen and Bard, that's right the same little nutcase who had over 3000 subsribers and over one million channel views. Yes that's right I shit you not. Anywho I am here now and have a back up channel for this one as well. Thought to make this a friends only channel.. all private like but figured .. what the hell after eight months I might be gone again and reviving another channel so why not go out with a blast. All information will be back up and running again and old movies that was on my other channel will be placed here as well. Yep that is right all the morbid and wonderful shall be reloaded here. Thank god I managed to burn my crap on dvds before this occured; also all my music videos will be up here as well along with new ones. So if you know someone out there that remembers queen and bard please please pleaaaaaaaase have them come to this channel instead. Much thanks - Ro