A famous smart guy once said, "The medium is the message." But that's not very funny. So Freddy Lockhart decided to take all those mediums—CDs, YouTube videos, DVDs and boomboxes—to create the ultimate mash-up of sketch comedy. Watch the critically acclaimed first season on the Superdeluxe Comedy Network.
Welcome to the Official Youtube Page for Freddy Lockhart's Mixed Media on the Superdeluxe Comedy Network. Home of The Gay Gangsta, W is for Wiggum, Barackin74, Morgan Freeman, MAC vs PC, and much more.
The First Season of Freddy Lockhart's Mixed Media is playing on the Superdeluxe Comedy Network.
Freddy Lockhart's Mixed Media was created/written by Freddy Lockhart and Rome Viharo and features the talents and voices of Stand Up Rising Star Freddy Lockhart. Directed/Produced/edited/animated by Rome Viharo. Music by Grammy Award Winner David Wilder and Wilderstyle Music.
Shared 16 years ago